Monday, March 8, 2010


That there is beef short ribs slow-braised for three hours in honey and beer with carrots and onions, served over sage polenta with a side of asparagus sauteed with salted Meyer lemon. I had to share a picture, it was that good!

I've been reading French Women Don't Get Fat, which is a fabulous book I cannot recommend highly enough, especially to people who are always dieting. We could all stand to be a bit more French in our approach to food - quality over quantity, relishing what we eat and putting it down when we're not relishing it anymore. Plus the recipes in this book look fabulous!

I dug up some more grass yesterday and I'm planting lavender this afternoon, all along the front of the yard. There will be a little path to the mailbox, surrounded by lavender, which should make it a fragrant experience to get the mail. Our blueberry bushes are getting small flower buds all over them, and so is the cherry tree but it isn't blooming yet even though several other cherry trees around town are blooming beautifully. Meanwhile in the guest room, 15 of my 26 tomato pots have sprouted (including both of my black tomatoes)!

Got a bit more of the seed starting to do today, sending out some job applications, getting some writing done, straightening the house, blah blah blah. Another day, another to-do list!

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